Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Team Meeting date change

Hi folks,
This Sunday is dedication and baptism day with fellowship right afterwords, so we'll have our meeting on September 12, directly following the service.  Please let me know if you cannot make it.  (It'll be brief). :)

Also, tomorrow is our last Wednesday practice.  We will be going over Joyful (Brenton Brown), The Stand (Houston), Happy Day (Hughes).

See you soon!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Many of you may already have seen my email, but if you haven't, Thursday practices are a go!  I'm excited because it will enable more band members to attend practice.  Practices will begin at 5:15 and run until 6:45.  We will have a "hard stop" because of the Bible Study and Youth/Btween happening that night at 7.  With that in mind, if you need to set up and can come a couple minutes earlier, that would be a good thing!  I will be rolling right in from work at 5:15 :)

We will continue to use this time to work on new stuff - here's whats in the hopper:
Great I Am/Anderson
The Stand/Houston, Hillsong

Also, we will have a brief team meeting right after church on Sunday, Sept 4.  Please let me know if you can not attend.

Next week, I will be out of town, so Sherrie will be leading. 

Let me know if you have any questions - thanks guys!  ~Jen

Setlist for 8.21.11

Hi everyone!

I'm so encouraged by what's happening in our worship services.  Thank you all for your willingness to give of your talent and time to worship Him coorporatley! 

Here's what's up for Sunday:

Friend of God/Gungor, Houghton (E)
Remind Me Who I Am/Gray, (C)
Hosanna/Baloche, (D)
Offering/Baloche, (D)
Here I Am To Worship/Hughes, (D)

See you Sunday ~ Jen

Monday, August 15, 2011

Looking for a Falcon? How cool!

Vicky Beeching is selling her iconic guitar!  If you've ever seen her play, she's always using her white Falcon....wish I had the bucks (and that I could play guitar :) )


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Setlist for 8.14.11

Sorry this is late, everyone! 

Here's what's up for Sunday:

Blessed Be Your Name/Redman, G
Forever/Baloche, G
Remind Me Who I Am/Gray, C
Hosanna/Fraser, D
His Glory Appears/Samson, Hillsong, D

Remind Me Who I Am is not in CCLI yet.  Here are the lyrics:

Looking forward to tomorrow!  c ya then, Jen

Monday, August 8, 2011

Songs for Practice

Hi all - here are the songs I'd like work on Wednesday:

The Stand/Houston, G  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAQ61KH7qRc
Happy Day/Hughes, A  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW2qpMVO7oY
Remind Me Who I Am/Gray, D (possibly) http://www.rabbitroom.com/author/zpeteman/

I will email chord charts shortly.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Set list for 8.7.11

Hello all!! 

Hope you are all well.   I'm really looking forward to Sunday - it's gonna be good!!

Here's what's up for Sunday:
King of Glory/Jesus Culture, Dm
Rooftops/Jesus Culture,C#m
Indescribable/Story, B
The Heart of Worship/Redman, D
To The Cross/Baloche, Ingram, D

See you Sunday!