Thursday, March 29, 2012

Setlist 4/1/12

Hi Folks,
Hope you're doing well.  Here's what's up for Palm Sunday:

Hosanna/Baloche (D)
Arise/Baloche (D)
Beautiful Scandalous Night/Hindalong, Daughtry, (C)
At the Foot of the Cross/Scott, (E)
Hosanna/Fraser, (D)

There is going to be a skit right after worship this week.  There is going to be table on stage, so we may have to be a little creative with our set-up.  I am going to push myself up to the wall as much as possible, and I thought we could put the girls right next to me.

If you have any questions, give me a ring. 408-6798.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Song List for Sunday March 25

Hello everyone!

Here is the song list for Sunday:

My Redeemer Lives (Morgan) Key of C
Open the Eyes of My Heart  (Baloche) Key of C
Amazing Grace/ Chains are Gone (Tomlin) C
You are My King (Amazing Love) (Foote) D
How Great Is Our God (Tomlin) G
How Great Thou Art (Chorus only) G (tags into "How Great Is our God)

Instrumentalists and vocals please be at the church 9-915 am
Thank you so much for serving on the worship team.  You are appreciated more that you know.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Set list for 3/18/12

Hi guys!  Hope you're all well.

You may already know this, but Larry, Laurie's dad, went home to be with the Lord on Sunday night. 
Please keep them in prayer this week.  Ryan's fam and Brad and Marissa are leaving Thursday for Texas.

This week I'm pleased to have two guest worshippers join us - Ron Field on vocals and Terry Ameno on drums!

Here's what's up for Sunday:

Our God/Tomlin (E)
Hosanna/Brown, Baloche/ (D)
Running/Kuehn (C)
Mighty to Save/Morgan (D)
Desert Song/Fraser (D)

See you Sunday,

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Setlist for 3/11/12

Hi Folks,

Here's what's up for Sunday:

Prepare Ye the Way/MW Smith (C)
Grace Like Rain/Agnew (Am)
Rooftops/Walker (C#m)
Arms of Love/Musseau (G)
All Who Are Thirsty/ Brown (D)

See you tomorrow!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Setlist for 3/4/12

Hi all! 

Here's what's up for tomorrow:

We Want to See Jesus Lifted High/Horley (F)
Joyful (The One Who Saves)/Brown, Ingram (C)
Faithful God/Story (G)
Child of God/Scott (A)
Breathe/Barnett/ (A)
